Let's learn cardesign online! CDA Exterior Course | Car Design Academy | Online car design school

CDA Exterior Course

Acquiring essential skills of Car Design and Developing portfolio for further study or employment.

Applications for the CDA Exterior Course are currently closed.

  • Acquire Car Design Sketch Skills
  • Develop Your Own Portfolio

Introduction to CDA Exterior Course Overview

This practical course will help you to develop skills needed to become a car designer. You will learn the basics of car design, and explore techniques in drawing, digital painting and car design process, enabling you to create stunning designs and portfolio that you can apply to the industry.
Throughout the course you will receive one-to-one instruction and advice from your instructor, who is industry expert and real professional car designer, on how best to approach the discipline and its career paths, trends and opportunities.
In addition, CDA offers the self-designed course that you can customize to focus more concretely on learning outcomes. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

This course is ideal for those who...

  • want to acquire skills needed to become a professional car designer

    This course is for students who would like to explore car design process, but have little or no prior experience. The curriculum in CDA is very pragmatic and helps even beginners improve their skills quickly with a precise feedback and appropriate instructions from CDA instructors.

  • want to increase your value as a designer.

    As a designer, improving your design skills widens your world to new opportunities as well. Since CDA incorporated with major auto companies and furniture makers, CDA’s original text and materials have been used for employee training within those companies. CDA has much experienced in producing designers and improving their performance as a designer. CDA’s curriculum will effectively increase your value as a designer.

  • want to stand out from many of other students during the internship.

    How many of you would think, “When participating in the internship, I want to present attractive ideas more than other students for getting accepted by the company?”CDA supports students with recruiting strategy tips and useful advice from instructors who are professional car designers, having updated information in real recruiting scenes.

  • want to create a portfolio to increase your chances of getting hired.

    CDA instructors are real professional car designers, having extensive experience with recruitment in major auto makers or design studios, some of them were assigned to a position in human resources of the company. Based on their knowledge and experience, CDA provides precise feedback to your portfolio.

What You'll Learn

  • Perspective theory
  • Understanding Accurate Proportion
  • Marker Technique
  • Digital Painting Technique
  • Concept Creation
  • Package Layout
  • Rendering Technique
  • How to Create Concept Board
  • Created Portfolio

3 Reasons Our Online Program is Best

CDA’s Unique Learning System that accelerates your growth

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Once joined in CDA, students can access to view more than 1,000 other student works at anytime, even after completing the course

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The CDA Design Competition is open to both, current and graduate CDA students from all over the world.

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First Half of the Course (12 Lessons)

Learn basics & Acquiring essential sketching skills of car design

Second half of the Course (12 Lessons)

Create your own portfolio as optimizing your potential to meet your career goals

Video Feedback Sample

You can select the way you receive instructor’s feedback either Live Feedback Session or On-demand Lesson for your assignment. Either way all lessons are recorded, so you can go back and rewatch contents as needed, and it will assist you to fully understand. Click the button to watch sample videos via YouTube [YouTube Playlist]

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Please click the below to learn more about CDA courses.

Tuition & Fees

Monthly Payment Plan

The tuition is paid every month for the course until completion. You can select a plan depending on your learning pace.

PlanTuition/MonthEntrance FeesFeedback/Month
Plan L$449$3493
Plan M$349$3492
Plan S$199$3491

*1.You can carry over unused feedback into the next calendar month (up to 3 months).

*2.You can change your plan at any time; however, in that case, you cannot carry over unused feedback.

*3.If you take a temporary leave of absence in the middle of the plan, you will be allowed to carry over unused feedback for a maximum of 3 months.

ペイパル|Mastercard,VISA,American Express,JCB

How Do CDA Courses Work?

ADVANTAGES for your present and future of learning after enrollment in CDA.

Keep Access as Long as You Like

As long as you have an Internet connection, CDA courses are accessible from anywhere in the world. You can continue to access our program even after completing the course.

  • Access the school system

  • Browse course materials

  • Participate in the CDA Design Competition

For Current Students

CDA support is available to provide all the help you might need to succeed in your car design learning during the course period.

  • Feedback Video (advice and corrections of your work) from an instructor

  • One-on-One Support by Instructor

Admission Process

  • Step 1.

    Click 'Apply' button. Fill out and submit the online application form.

  • Step 2.
    Submit Payment

    Select a payment method from 2 payment options; Bank Transfer or Credit Card.

  • Step 3.
    Log-in to CDA Learning System

    You will receive log-in information and procedure for CDA learning system as soon as we confirm your payment.

  • Step 4.

    Attend online orientation and Start your car design learning.

Example of Student Sketches
- Before and After -

Not only beginners, but also students at all levels including intermediate or advanced level are realizing their improvements.

  • before-after
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  • before-after


  • Q. How many hours in a week will I need for the course?

    A. It really depends on individuals’ sketching level and learning pace. We encourage students to secure around 10 to 20 hours a week for learning.

  • Q. I'm a beginner with no experience in car design. Can I join?

    A. Yes. This course is also suitable for beginners. Additionally, our school system allows students to freely ask their questions anytime. The CDA support is available to provide you all the help you might need to succeed in your car design learning. We will assist you until you get necessary skills.

  • Q. Does CDA offer traditional face-to-face learning?

    A. We offer only online courses. However, through our school platform where encourages students to interact with each other by online, students enjoy the communication with other students who are learning car design at CDA from the rest of world, and inspire each other to improve. This system enables to keep students motivated and leads to improve their design skills.

  • Q. Can I attend CDA course while I am learning product design at the college?

    A. Yes. There are many students who are participating in our courses while studying at other school or working. We are proud to say that our course materials are used for some companies’ employee training. You can manage both learning in CDA and current school you are going.

  • Q  When can I start the course?

    A   If you complete the registration by Jul. 29th,you will start the course from Aug. 1st.You can log-in to our school system as soon as you make payments, and take a look at course materials as your preparation for the course. You can also complete Online Orientation prior to the start of your course.

  • Q. What are the prerequisites?

    A. You need PC, markers, digital paint software, and a pen tablet prior to the beginning of course. Marker: Copic Classic or Copic Sketch (colors* C1,C2,C3,C5,C7C10,RV29,B41) Paint Software: Photoshop or SAI is recommended. Pen Tablet: Wacom is recommended.

Student Testimonials

  • "The biggest thing which helped me was participation in competitions."

    Jonathan / Designer

    CDA puts importance on developing skills and accurate perspectives in sketch, which I like about this course. And CDA walks you through. After each lesson, there is a video, which literally teaches all the points you need. The biggest thing which helped me was participation in competitions, in which everybody was allowed to express themselves and bring all they had learnt.

  • "I got more comfortable at developing car design concepts and presenting my ideas."

    Alireza Saeedi / KISKA Designer

    The biggest benefit for me was to be able to work hard at home. I kept on sketching and I got better. I got more comfortable at developing car design concepts and presenting my ideas. It was a pleasure being instructed by Mr. Can. Although I got my feedback in a video format from him, the communication and the input that I got from him was amazing.

  • "CDA has helped me build my portfolio, and the things I have learned were very similar to my internship."

    Agri Bisono / Car Designer

    I feel that many schools across the world do not support the job search process, but CDA was very aggressive in the job search process in the Car Design industry.

  • "I was very much impressed by the contents of the materials."


    The text materials provided in the lesson have almost all of the info regarding car design and I was very much impressed by the contents of the materials. For each lesson I always submitted thinking there is no error and it’s the best I could do, but after their advice only a bit of tweaking would give my work more professional taste, of which I never thought. CDA also makes you a very competitive person in the job market, after the completion of the course.”

  • "To all the instructors, thank you for your patience. I really appreciate the detailed corrections."


    1.) Text materials – very detailed, 2.) Video Text – the video texts are also top notch., 3.) Instructor’s review – I can’t believe how much my instructor’s reviews have helped me in improving my sketches. I can see an improvement with each assignment.

  • "The text materials and video text were excellent in cultivating my sketching skills."

    Kaustubh Adhav

    I personally benefited a lot from CDA’s Total Design Course. My skills have improved by leaps and bounds. The concepts that I used to design before CDA looked amateur and now my skills have progressed to become more professional over time.

  • "I have learned a lot of things that I didn’t know about the whole process of car design."


    The materials have let me understand the detailed process from the main idea, sketches, renderings and until the final compositions. The feedback is much more about what I expected. The feedback is really fast and completed and the Lessons are really good programmed.

  • "I learned efficient way to draw sketches."

    H.T / Car Desginer

    I’m very satisfied with the curriculum and could learn the efficient way to draw sketches including rendering and adding corrections on my work, that I really wanted to learn. I am usually required to produce any outputs within a restricted time in my job, so I had been looking for the way.

  • “I was not expecting this much detailed feedback.”

    Y.O /College Student

    I am not major in design at college, but I have been interested in taking a job in the car industry. I have been feeling that a certain level of understanding on car designing is needed regardless what kind of department I would be assigned for. I had considered about studying abroad in a school where specialized in car design; however, I had to put more importance on getting a job first. It’s my pleasure that I received comments from overseas in CDA.

  • "The teacher’s drawing over my sketch was clearly addressing my problems"

    Tetsuya Takahashi

    I was thinking of taking course at CDA while working. I wanted to check if I can manage my time, the pace of lessons, and how lessons are conducted. All my problems on sketch were solved by correcting my perspective that pointed out from my instructor. I am now realizing that learning directly from professionals is important.

  • "Participating in CDA Design Competition helps my skills improve besides lessons."

    K.S / College Student

    The CDA Design Competition provides a valuable experience to students. In the competition, students are rated on their designs and ranked in the results. I am inspired with other student’s works for the competition, and try to take their good point in my works.

  • " By receiving precise advice and corrections from my instructor, I could know the points where I had to improve."

    Momoka /Art College Student

    I’m major in mobility design at my college and I felt the ability difference with other students, so I had to get more skills especially in sketch. Instructions from my instructor in CDA are easy to understand, and I can watch real professional technique in the feedback video, that really helps me.

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